The Films of Leo Torres
First Anniversary
2024 (Runtime 4:38)
Budget: $400
About The Film
First Anniversary is a short originally created for Kevin Smith's 2024 37hr film competition. We shot this back in March 2024. Shot in one night in a bedroom with wooden walls that was made to look like a sauna. We decided to shoot it in black & white since the original Clerks was shot like that as well. I enjoyed the challenge, but it was not my favorite way to create a project. A lot was learned and many of the same people are collaborating to this day.
There is intention to submit this short to various micro film festivals.
Cast & Crew
Trevor... Michael EIler
Laura... Adrian Meyers
Carl... Hayden Cannon​
Penelope... Katelyn Lane
Rick.... Mo AlKhatib
Cinematography Molly Torres
Script Supervisor Andrew Minton
Lighting Dan Cuthbert
Prod Assts Kaz Litko
Jessica Schwartzman
Michael O'Malley
Edited by Ruben Molina
Written and Directed by Todd Wells
Directed and Produced by
Leopoldo Torres