The Films of Leo Torres
State Trooper
2022 (Runtime 5:50)
Budget: $300
About The Film
State Trooper is my first foray back into filmmaking. I wanted to shake the rust off and make something low budget but without having to sacrifice any of the storytelling. Shot on the streets of Chicago and the Southwest suburbs, I wanted to capture the isolation and bleakness of what a late night drive can really feel like with a guilty conscious. Furthermore, living in the suburbs as a Latinx, I always make sure to look out for police because you never know what kind of person is behind that badge.
I really am proud of how this turned out, especially the driving scenes that were shot with every old school film technique to provide the safest method to get it done.
Cast & Crew
Driver... Gio Gallo Manjarrez
Cop... Mike Wachel
Woman... Haleigh Hutcherson
Producers Keith Fencl
Leopoldo Torres
Exec. Prod. Molly Torres
Prop Master Mo Al-Khatib
Written and Directed by
Leopoldo Torres